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 19 results in yourPeople - Creatorsearch for"Antoine Jacquard"Advanced Search
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Combat, 1620/50. Creator: Antoine Jacquard.
Self-Portrait (The Trade Card of Anthoine Jacquard). Creator: Antoine Jacquard.
Landscape with an Obelisk. Creator: Antoine Jacquard.
Time. Creator: Antoine Jacquard.
The Resurrection. Creator: Antoine Jacquard.
Man on Horseback. Creator: Antoine Jacquard.
Lucretia?. Creator: Antoine Jacquard.
The Adoration of the Shepherds. Creator: Antoine Jacquard.
General. Creator: Antoine Jacquard.
The Crucifixion. Creator: Antoine Jacquard.
Landscape. Creator: Antoine Jacquard.
Lovers. Creator: Antoine Jacquard.
Execution. Creator: Antoine Jacquard.
The Capture of Troy. Creator: Antoine Jacquard.
Landscape. Creator: Antoine Jacquard.
The Three Horatii. Creator: Antoine Jacquard.
Apollo and Daphne. Creator: Antoine Jacquard.
Lovers. Creator: Antoine Jacquard.
Seige of Troy. Creator: Antoine Jacquard.